Sunday, May 5, 2024

"The Iris Garden"

 It's May!

Irises are getting ready to burst into bloom.

It's time to plan my annual visit to the

Presby Memorial Iris Garden, in Montclair, NJ...

Presby Memorial Iris Garden, Montclair, NJ

Photo credit:




I delightedly strolled

along an iris rainbow

one effulgent Sunday in May

while would-be VanGoghs

painted under sunbrellas.


God could’ve made irises gray,

but He’s as lavish with color

as He is with love.


Maude Carolan

"Behold the Lamb...poetically!"

by Maude Carolan Pych

is available online

at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBD, etc.


Sunday, April 28, 2024

"Hallelujah Hands"


Image credit:


“I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer,

without anger or disputing.” 1 Timothy 2:8 NIV


Some lift one

others, both

chest-high, chin high

Some reach upward

ceilingward, skyward

stretching Heavenward

reaching for

His hem


Soft young graceful hands

with squared airbrushed fingertips

Pudgy, fidgety, child hands

copying his daddy hands

Brown hands, pale hands

old bulging vein hands

Just plain hands

hands with bands

hands flashing rings

stones sparkling

Calloused hands, splintered hands

rough, red dishpan hands

Cold hands, warm hands

peanut butter and jelly hands

Salon hands

nails lacquered red

rose pink or pearly


Tambourine shaking

banner waving

clap clapping

Bible clutching

baby holding

tear wiping

clenching, wrenching

God beseeching hands


Hands clasping the hand

of another

hands signing praise

for ears that cannot hear

hands folded

serenely in a lap


All beautiful

all holy

all His children’s

hallelujah hands


Maude Carolan

More Poems?
"Behold the Lamb...poetically!"
by Maude Carolan Pych
is available online
at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBD, etc.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

A Poem for Passover

 Today I'll share a poem for Passover...

Image credit:



It’s only ordinary unleavened bread

Ordinary matzoh

On an earthen plate

It probably came

From a supermarket shelf

A Manischewitz box

Ordinary matzoh

Blessed for Passover

Oh, but when I take it

And cradle it lovingly

In my hands

Break it and bless it

It is for me

Most Holy Bread

Good Friday Bread

Body of the Lamb that was slain

With my cup of Redemption

Communion Bread

Lechem without hametz

Without yeast of sin




Shrouded afikomen


Then resurrected

With glory

I partake

Alleluia, alleluia

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!


Maude Carolan


The above poem has been published in William W. Francis’ book, 

Celebrate the Feasts of The Lord. 

Crest Books.

Would you like to read more poems by Maude?

"Behold the Lamb...poetically!"

by Maude Carolan Pych

is available online

at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBD, etc.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

"The Emmaus Triptych"

Here is one more Emmaus Road poem...



Luke 24:13-35




Cleopas and friend walked and talked

with lumbering gaits and downcast faces

shining hopes of sweet redemption

dashed and obliterated


They asked of each other the Why question

for if anyone had come to fill those old prophecies

surely it had seemed to be Him

that Jesus they'd come to know

through signs and wonders

that appeared to be miraculous


Their so-called Messiah had been crucified

was dead and gone. Yes, gone, gone, gone!

Even His cold dead body was missing

from the tomb that had been sealed—


He approached them

in the midst of their perplexity

on the road to Emmaus

He walked with them, talked with them

they even felt His fire

but didn't know who He was


and strange as that may seem

how often have I been

the unnamed friend of Cleopas?

I, too, profess to know Him, know Him well

yet fail to recognize Him along the road




Taking the barley loaf in his hands

the stranger lifted it


Baruch ata Adonai

Eloheynu Melech ha Olam

ha motzie lechem

min ha'aretz


He tore it, offered it, and just as it fell

into reaching grasps

their astonished eyes recognized Him

and in that instant

He utterly vanished from their sight!


Leaping from the table, Cleopas and his friend

stumbled over each other

looking under, over, around and around

knowing even as they did

it was True after all


As they looked at each other

their disbelief became relief

the sweet awakening of a deep Belief


for Truth visited them along the way

joined them at their table, broke their humble bread

They asked each other


Were not our hearts burning

as He talked with us on the road

and opened the Scriptures to us?


Now, blazing temples of Holy Fire

they suddenly knew their once shattered hearts

would never cool again




When I first found You, or You found me

I thought I'd go from strength to strength

pinnacle to pinnacle, joy to joy

and so it was for a season

when love was new


then the whirlwind came

thrashing through my world

upending all my securities

leaving me stunned, broken, alone

certain I would die


so I waited for You to save me

waited for prayers pleaded at Your scarred feet

to avail their just reward

for I believed in You, trusted, hoped

Eyes veiled, I couldn't find You

failed to recognize You along the road


Had I believed in vain?


Then You began to speak

not audibly, but  whenever I opened Your Word

Radiance, Glory, Unfailing Love

sprang from the page and became manifest

My heart blazed! I began to shine!


Now, on the other side of sorrow

I dare not forget my burning heart,

Your Glorious Presence

so I abide, remembering

it is You, my Jesus

Who walks with me along the road


Maude Carolan

More Poems?

"Behold the Lamb...poetically!"

by Maude Carolan Pych

is available online

at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBD, etc.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

"Along Emmaus Road"


"Meeting the Christ on the Road to Emmaus"

by Daniel Bonnell


Luke 24 & Isaiah 53 NASB


I’m sitting in the kitchen

with my Bible open

reading about the men

who were walking to Emmaus

the Sunday following the Crucifixion


thinking how bewildered they were

and dismayed that the one

they supposed was their savior was gone—

He died upon that Cross on Friday

leaving their hopes completely dashed


and I’m thinking about Jesus

joining them on their journey

as a complete stranger

bringing the hope of the Gospel

as He explained about Himself in the Tanakh

without revealing that they were actually walking

the seven miles to Emmaus

with their newly Resurrected Lord


I flip through the pages

and see Jesus handwritten in the margins

of the Old Testament, over and over

wherever I’ve discovered Him anew

and recall each exciting revelation


and imagine their amazement

as they listened to Jesus

revealing Himself as He spoke

about Moses and the Prophets

particularly when He came to the part

about the Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53

How exciting it had to have been to hear it

from the lips of the Suffering Servant, Himself—


Despised and forsaken

a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief

smitten of God and afflicted

pierced for our transgressions

crushed for our iniquities

by whose scourging we were healed


Who like a lamb was led to the slaughter

Who like a sheep, was silent before its shearers


assigned a grave with wicked men

but was with a rich man in death


He rendered Himself as a guilt offering

and God would prolong His days




I visualize the men

clutching their burning hearts


When they reached their destination

they invited the stranger to stay with them

because the hour was late


and as they gathered around a table

to partake of an evening meal

Jesus lifted a loaf to bless—


Suddenly their eyes beheld

His nail-pierced hands!


and as He broke their humble bread

they recognized Him


In that instant Jesus vanished!


but the words He spoke

along the road that day

were permanently seared

upon their hearts


so they rose from the table

and hurried off that very hour

all the way back to Jerusalem, in the dark

to tell the disciples of all the wonders

that happened that remarkable day


Maude Carolan Pych

More Poems?

"Behold the Lamb...poetically!"

by Maude Carolan Pych

is available online

at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBD, etc.




Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Resurrection Day!

 A-Poem-a-Day Until Resurrection Day

Happy Resurrection Day!

I am featuring two poems today...



It’s Holy Saturday


Dough is rising

on the kitchen counter


filling me with thoughts

of rising


helium balloons

set free



over the Sea of Galilee


waking up




soap bubbles

floating skyward


seagulls soaring



booming and bursting


jet planes at take-off


rocket ships

with long trails of fire

zooming to the moon


O, but nothing




and no one


has ever done it


or will


…like Jesus


Maude Carolan Pych

Photo credit:


Israel Pilgrimage--2006


Some believe

the Body of Messiah was placed

in the highly venerated

tomb located in the Church

of the Holy Sepulcher


Some believe

He was buried

in a pastoral place

known as the Garden Tomb


The important thing is—

He died. He rose.

He’ll come again.


The important thing is

as a placard proclaims

at the entrance

to the Garden Tomb:


He is not here—

For He is risen


and the important thing is

our sins are atoned—


We live because He lives


so, let’s celebrate

that He was here—

but is not!




Praise be to Jesus, Our Risen Savior!


Maude Carolan Pych

Saturday, March 30, 2024

"Mary of Magdala"

 A-Poem-a-Day Until Resurrection Day

Image credit:



Mary of Magdala was privileged—

Like the disciples, she was among the few

who spent time with Jesus, followed Him

considered Him Teacher and Friend

She called Him, Rabboni


Mary had lived in darkness with demons

Jesus rid her of their terror

drew her into the Light

and she was grateful

She and the brethren experienced

the wonder of unconditional love

from He, Who personified it, perfectly


No doubt Mary was there

when Jesus spoke of things

the multitudes yearned to know

like living the beatitudes

like eternity, death and resurrection

like the prophetic sign of Jonah


Still, neither she nor the disciples

had a clear understanding

of cosmic events that were about to unfold


Then suddenly everything whirled

out of their control

Palm branch homage

hosannas and hallelujahs

quickly turned to betrayal

abduction and a mockery of a trial


There were thunderous shouts of


Crucify Him! Crucify Him!


It was no longer safe

on the streets of Jerusalem

for His followers. They became fearful

Some went into hiding


Then, Jesus was Crucified—


The earth quaked

and the sky went dark


Mary rent her garments and wailed

Full of sorrow, what could she do

except go early the day after the Sabbath

to anoint His dead body


but when she arrived at the tomb

It was empty and His body was gone

Angels were there—

resplendent angels, who spoke of resurrection


Mary was weeping, utterly bewildered

She couldn’t grasp resurrection—

All she could wonder was

Where was her teacher’s body?

Who took His body away?


Suddenly, Rabboni appeared to her

He called her, tenderly by name, but

she couldn’t comprehend

that Him standing there, speaking to her

could possibly be true—

He was dead. Wasn’t He?


Mary was struggling to fathom

that the greatest knowledge

ever to befall anyone, anytime, anywhere

befell upon her at that amazing moment


This wasn’t a time for weeping—

This was time for rejoicing!


She extended her hand to touch Him—

He was Alive! Breathing!

Warm! With flesh and bones—

Indeed, He had risen from the grave!


Jesus told her to tell His disciples

so Mary quickly hurried off, proclaiming


I have seen the Lord!


Oh! It was starting to sink in—


The sin of the world was atoned for

by Jesus’ death on the Cross

and by His glorious Resurrection

He became the Firstfruit

of Life Forevermore!


Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


Maude Carolan Pych

More Poems?

"Behold the Lamb...poetically!"

by Maude Carolan Pych

is available online

at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBD, etc.